Cleveland Orthodontics in Middlesbrough

How Do Braces Work To Straighten Your Teeth?

How Do Braces Work To Straighten Your Teeth?

According to a survey conducted in 2022, almost one-third of British adults are considering orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners. This shows how popular orthodontic treatment is in the UK. The main reason why people choose orthodontic treatment is to improve their facial aesthetics and self-confidence. If you’re also concerned about your facial aesthetics […]

How Long Do Braces Take? Duration, Tips & More

You won't feel any significant pain or discomfort when your brackets are removed, only a slight pressure. This is because your dentist will use a special instrument to instantly remove your brackets without damaging your teeth or causing pain. This is why it is never recommended for one to take their brackets off by themselves. Instead, brackets should always be removed by a dental professional so that there are no complications later.

Almost one-third of British adults are considering having their teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment, a survey has revealed. This is due to the increased demand and self-realisation among the British population to appear attractive and approachable. The British Orthodontic Society attributes it to the rise in online working in the post-COVID-19 era. Regardless of the […]

What Is Wax For Braces & How To Use It: A Complete Guide

What Is Wax For Braces & How To Use It: A Complete Guide

Have you ever wondered why dentists give a pack of wax to their patients just after bonding braces to their teeth? If you have also received a box of orthodontic wax from your orthodontist and you’re wondering what it is used for, then this blog is for you. So, continue reading to learn more about […]

What Causes Crooked Teeth And How To Straighten Them?

What Causes Crooked Teeth And How To Straighten Them?

`Having crooked teeth is not a disease but can significantly affect your dental and physical health, facial aesthetics, and self-esteem. In fact, improvement in one’s smile and self-confidence are among the driving factors for people in the UK to seek dental treatment. According to a survey of 1000 Brits, over 76% responded that they wanted […]

Age & Orthodontics: It’s Never Too Late For A Beautiful Smile

Age & Orthodontics: It's Never Too Late For A Beautiful Smile

Perfectly aligned and healthy teeth not only help improve one’s smile but can also boost one’s self-esteem. In a recent survey carried out in the UK, 93% of the respondents showed that having a beautiful smile and optimally aligned teeth would improve their self-confidence.  But how can one enjoy an attractive smile if they have […]

What Causes Crooked Top Teeth And How To Straighten Them?

What Causes Crooked Top Teeth And How To Straighten Them?

A smile is only as appealing as the shape, colour, and appearance of one’s teeth – especially the front ones. This is because the front teeth are visible whenever one opens their mouth for speaking or smiling. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey showed that people with straight and pearly white teeth are perceived […]

When Should I Take My Child To The Orthodontist?

When Should I Take My Child To The Orthodontist?

Did you know that tooth misalignment not only affects the facial aesthetics of kids but can also have a significant impact on their quality of life? According to a research study, children with misaligned teeth are 1.7 times more likely to have an impaired quality of life than those with properly aligned teeth. So, parents […]

Is Orthodontics For You? – Finding The Best Treatment For Your Teeth

Is Orthodontics For You? - Finding The Best Treatment For Your Teeth

Has your dentist recently told you that you need orthodontic treatment, and you are confused about which treatment option would be best for you? Are you thinking about orthodontic treatment but unsure whether it would be suitable for you? If the answer to the above questions is yes, this blog is for you. This blog […]

Why do braces break sometimes?

Broken braces can cause problems…here’s some advice from Cleveland Orthodontics on how to keep braces in one piece!