Guide To NHS Waiting Times In England For Orthodontics
According to the NHS, the maximum waiting time for non-urgent, consultant-led treatments in England is 18 weeks, from the day of appointment booking to the reception of the referral letter by the service or hospital. This waiting time can sometimes be quite long for patients who want to get their treatment done right away. For […]
Why Do I Need to See a Specialist Orthodontist?
If you are thinking of getting your teeth straightened, you might be confused between choosing a general dentist or a specialist orthodontist. Thinking from a financial standpoint, you might be inclined towards a general dentist as they would be less expensive. But then, why does the American Association of Orthodontists recommend seeing a specialist for […]
Do I Need To Use Orthodontic Wax?
If you are an orthodontic patient, you might have come across situations where the sharp edges of your braces of a broken wire would impinge on your oral soft tissues and cause discomfort. Unfortunately, many orthodontic patients face the same problem during their treatment and are not aware of what to do in such situations. […]
How Long Do Braces Take? Duration, Tips & More
Almost one-third of British adults are considering having their teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment, a survey has revealed. This is due to the increased demand and self-realisation among the British population to appear attractive and approachable. The British Orthodontic Society attributes it to the rise in online working in the post-COVID-19 era. Regardless of the […]
What Is Wax For Braces & How To Use It: A Complete Guide
Have you ever wondered why dentists give a pack of wax to their patients just after bonding braces to their teeth? If you have also received a box of orthodontic wax from your orthodontist and you’re wondering what it is used for, then this blog is for you. So, continue reading to learn more about […]
What Causes Crooked Teeth And How To Straighten Them?
`Having crooked teeth is not a disease but can significantly affect your dental and physical health, facial aesthetics, and self-esteem. In fact, improvement in one’s smile and self-confidence are among the driving factors for people in the UK to seek dental treatment. According to a survey of 1000 Brits, over 76% responded that they wanted […]
Age & Orthodontics: It’s Never Too Late For A Beautiful Smile
Perfectly aligned and healthy teeth not only help improve one’s smile but can also boost one’s self-esteem. In a recent survey carried out in the UK, 93% of the respondents showed that having a beautiful smile and optimally aligned teeth would improve their self-confidence. But how can one enjoy an attractive smile if they have […]
Orthodontist Vs Dentist – Why Choose A Specialist?
Looking after one’s oral health is as important as physical and well-being. Furthermore, having straight, perfectly aligned teeth is equally important – not just for aesthetic reasons, but also to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. Unfortunately, the incidence of crooked teeth in British children and adults has increased exponentially over the years, resulting in […]
Are You Looking For Affordable Orthodontics?
“Almost one-third of Britishers are considering or have completed orthodontic treatmentâ€. These are the findings of a survey conducted in 2022. This survey shows that people are increasingly relying on orthodontic treatment to get rid of their facial defects to enjoy an attractive smile. This is because people have become very conscious of their appearance […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Quick Braces – Your Questions Answered
In the early 2000s, dentists only had the option to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth with metal braces. But fast forward to 2023. Several orthodontic treatment options are available, each with merits and demerits. But as dental treatment procedures such as fillings and root canals are becoming shorter and more straightforward, orthodontic patients also want […]