Damon Braces – How Are They Different From Other Braces?

When we talk about braces, the first thing that comes to mind is fixed metal braces. Unfortunately, many people do not like the discomfort and conspicuousness of metal-based brackets. If you are also among those people who have been postponing orthodontic treatment with fixed braces, no need to worry. This is because metal braces are […]
When Do You Need A Specialist Orthodontist?

Unlike many dental treatment procedures like fillings or crowns, which are completed in one or two sittings, orthodontic treatment is time-consuming. One has to consider many aspects, such as the treatment type, financial constraints, location of the practice, and available services. Besides, The foremost thing you should consider before seeking orthodontic treatment is the dentist’s […]
Engineering in miniature
Modern braces are seriously high tech. This blog talks about the amazing engineering involved in the squares that we glue to your teeth…we call them “brackets”
Balamory on Baker Street
Cleveland Orthodontics is 18 years old….hip hip hooray! Here are four ways that things are very different from when we first set out…including Baker Street’s new look!
Orthodontics is not for wimps!
What does ” orthodontic specialist” mean…and what does it mean for our patients wearing braces at Cleveland Orthodontics?
“She’s got her dad’s teeth…â€
Can you blame your parents for needing braces? This blog asks how much of your teeth are due to the genetic cards you were dealt with.