Cleveland Orthodontics in Middlesbrough

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Fitting, adjusting and removing braces

Fixed Brace Guide

Getting your braces fitted

The fixed braces are stuck on with glue so it does not hurt to get them fitted. If you need teeth removed as part of your orthodontic treatment, your dentist will usually carry out this procedure before your braces are fitted. Fixed braces are usually fitted over two visits:

Visit 1

This is a short appointment lasting about five minutes. Little rubber rings (called separators) will be placed between your back teeth. These push your teeth apart by a millimetre or so over the following few days so that your braces can be fitted more comfortably on your second visit. We may also need to take another impression of your upper teeth.

Visit 2

This is a longer appointment, lasting about 45 minutes. We will firstly remove the separators that we placed in your mouth during Visit 1. Then, we will stick the metal squares (called “brackets”) onto your front teeth with glue. Some metal rings (called “bands”) will be stuck around your back teeth and, finally, we will tie the wires onto the brackets with coloured elastic rings.

Sometimes, we may be able to fit the braces in just one visit, in which case you will not need bands on your back teeth. Your orthodontist will tell you whether your braces can be fitted in one or two visits.

Advice on taking care of your braces

We will give you detailed advice on how to take care of your braces after they have been fitted. We will also give you an instruction sheet to take home.

For more information please logout and visit our Fixed Brace support page.

Over the next few days

You should expect your teeth to be a little bit tender at first, as your teeth start to move. Also, you may get ulcers on the inside of your lips and cheeks. However, these problems are only temporary and disappear after a few days. We will advise you at Visit Two on how to make things easier for you during this initial period.

Getting your braces tightened

After the braces have been fitted, we will need to see you every six to eight weeks to have them tightened (or “adjusted”). These visits are about ten minutes long. During these visits, we may just replace the elastics or we may replace the wires as well. You will be able to change the colours if you wish.

After each visit, your teeth may feel a little tender again but not as much as after the braces were first fitted. At each adjustment visit, we will let you know how your treatment is progressing and try to give you some idea of when the braces can be taken off, although this can be difficult to estimate in the early stages!

When your treatment has finished

When your teeth are straight and you are happy with them, we will arrange for the braces to be taken off. The brackets and bands are very easily “clicked” off, the teeth polished and impressions of your mouth are then taken. All this takes about 15 minutes.

We will then need to see you a few days later to fit your retainers.

For more information please logout and visit our Retainer support page.

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